Pangkor Island (Pulau Pangkor) is located in Perak, on the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. Pangkor is about 240 KM from Kuala Lumpur, 90 KM from Ipoh, and 180 KM from Georgetown Penang. 

The total area is 2,200 hectares or 22 km² (including Pangkor Laut with an area of 1.3 km ²). Only one-tenth of the island is inhabited, while the rests are forests and highlands.

Pangkor Island (Pulau Pangkor)is a fishing village whose main economic activity is the fishery industry. The fresh catch in Strait Malacca mainly sells to Peninsular Malaysia. There are few seafood processing factories on Pangkor Island. These factories produce different types of seafood snacks and sell them to whole Peninsular  Malaysia. The most popular seafood snack from Pangkor is “Stay Fish”. 

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